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Hexamethylindanopyran: CLH intention

On 15 November 2023, France submitted an intention to the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) for the Harmonised Classification and Labeling (CLH) of the fragrance ingredient Hexamethylindanopyran (CAS no 1222-05-5) as a reproductive toxicant and an endocrine disruptor substance. If the classification process is completed, the use of Hexamethylindanopyran in cosmetic products Read more…

Skin sensitization testing: Embracing the potential of in vitro methods for assessing fragrance chemicals

The study “Common fragrance chemicals activate dendritic cells in coculture with keratinocytes” published on 23 April 2023, by Niklas Peter and co-authors, aimed to assess the effectiveness of a 2D coculture model comprising keratinocytes and dendritic cells (DCs) in evaluating the skin sensitization potency of weak to moderately sensitizing fragrance Read more…

IFRA 51st Amendment implementation

IFRA (the International Perfumery Association), is the main self-regulatory association of the fragrance industry. The Consultation period on the 51st Amendment to its Standards ended in February 2023, and the official notification is expected to be released in June 2023.

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