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Trifluoroacetic Acid: CLH intention

On 7 December 2023, Germany submitted an intention to the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) for the Harmonised Classification and Labeling (CLH) of the pH adjuster Trifluoroacetic Acid (CAS no 76-05-1) as a reproductive toxicant. If the classification process is completed, the use of Trifluoroacetic Acid in cosmetic products may be threatened.

Proposal for revision of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive: the ‘polluter pays’ principle in cosmetics

Based on the European Green Deal’s zero pollution ambition of having an environment free of harmful pollution by 2050, the European Commission is proposing stronger rules on ambient air, surface, and groundwater pollutants, and the treatment of urban wastewater. To this end, the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive will be revised accordingly, and Read more…

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